johndisque1As the second of eleven children, John Disque got his introduction to contribution from an early age. It started with using his paper route money to buy ice cream for all of his brothers and sisters, and has continued throughout his life. After his graduation from Purdue University, John started Disque Carpet, a carpet installation and cleaning service, which is still in business today.

He has since expanded his contribution efforts to the real estate industry, and currently works to provide affordable, high quality housing for families in his community in southern Indiana. John also has worked to provide multiple sponsorship opportunities for educational programs in the past and present, and has aspirations to continue into the future.

A lifetime believer of the impact motivation can make on an individual, John has strived his whole life to provide positive encouragement and support for everyone around him on a daily basis. John is the proud father of six children, two of whom sit on the Disque Foundation’s Board of Directors.

In the little spare time he has, John and his wife Dinah enjoy investing time with their family and horses.